Colonie de pêcheurs de Ryssion

Séminaire TransMoEA : The Agency of International Institutions during the Interwar Period: Generating Innovation or Establishing a Global Financial Order?

The role played by the League of Nations (LoN) in global economic and financial issues has already received much attention; it is widely recognized that the institution was concerned with transnational affairs as much as with international ones. However, an analysis focused on how the LoN influenced national economies more concretely remains less developed. It is rather complicated to unravel the mechanisms and instruments that connect global to local or national affairs. The papers of the current seminar’s meeting explore three different but interconnected cases of the financial ‘’innovatons’’ implemented by the global institutions of the interwar period, and of their role to state-building as well as to the expertse generated on transnatonal level. The seminar’s meeting is a preparatory event in the framework of the TransMonEA Session “Financial Expertise and Monetary Order as Societal and Individual Experience. Global Actors and Local Players (XIXec.-XXec.),” organized by Catherine Brégianni. XIX World Economic History Congress - Paris 25-29 July 2022.

TransMonEA Research Seminar Currency, Crises, Representa8ons of Money and of
2nd Thematic cycle 2021-2022: International Institutions and Experts’ Networks: Modern
State and Actors of Rationalization.
9th March 2022, 16.30-19.30
TransMonEA project, HFRI- Academy of Athens,

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